Alfred-Workflow is a Python helper library for Alfred 2 workflow authors, developed and hosted on GitHub.
Alfred workflows typically take user input, fetch data from the Web or elsewhere, filter them and display results to the user. Alfred-Workflow takes care of a lot of the details for you, allowing you to concentrate your efforts on your workflow’s functionality.
Alfred-Workflow supports OS X 10.6+ (Python 2.6 and 2.7)
- Catches and logs workflow errors for easier development and support
- “Magic” arguments to help development, debugging and management of the workflow
- Auto-saves settings
- Super-simple data caching
- Fuzzy, Alfred-like search/filtering with diacritic folding
- Keychain support for secure storage (and syncing) of passwords, API keys etc.
- Simple generation of Alfred feedback (XML output)
- Input/output decoding for handling non-ASCII text
- Lightweight web API with Requests-like interface
- Pre-configured logging
- Painlessly add directories to
- Easily launch background tasks (daemons) to keep your workflow responsive
- Check for and install new workflow versions using GitHub releases.
Quick example¶
Here’s how to show recent Pinboard.in posts in Alfred.
Create a new workflow in Alfred’s preferences. Add a Script Filter with
Language /usr/bin/python
and paste the following into the Script field
(changing API_KEY
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 | import sys
from workflow import Workflow, ICON_WEB, web
API_KEY = 'your-pinboard-api-key'
def main(wf):
url = 'https://api.pinboard.in/v1/posts/recent'
params = dict(auth_token=API_KEY, count=20, format='json')
r = web.get(url, params)
for post in r.json()['posts']:
wf.add_item(post['description'], post['href'], arg=post['href'],
uid=post['hash'], valid=True, icon=ICON_WEB)
if __name__ == u"__main__":
wf = Workflow()
Add an Open URL action to your workflow with {query}
as the URL,
connect your Script Filter to it, and you can now hit ENTER on a
Pinboard item in Alfred to open it in your browser.
Using the above example code as a workflow will likely get you banned by the Pinboard API. See the Tutorial if you want to build an API terms-compliant (and super-fast) Pinboard workflow.
Alfred-Workflow can be installed from the Python Package Index with pip or from the source on GitHub.
The Alfred-Workflow Tutorial¶
A two-part tutorial on writing an Alfred workflow with Alfred-Workflow, taking you through the basics to a performant and release- ready workflow. This is the best starting point for workflow authors new to Python or programming in general. More experienced Python coders should skim this or skip straight ahead to the User Manual.
User Manual¶
If you know your way around Python and Alfred, here’s an overview of what Alfred-Workflow can do and how to do it.
- User Manual
- Supported OS X versions
- Workflow setup and skeleton
- Including 3rd party libraries
- Persistent data
- Searching/filtering data
- Retrieving data from the web
- Background processes
- Self-updating
- Versioning and migration
- System icons
- “Magic” arguments
- Serialization of stored/cached data
- Encoded strings and Unicode
API documentation¶
Documetation of the Alfred-Workflow APIs generated from the source code. A handy reference if (like me) you sometimes forget parameter names.
Script Filter results and the XML format¶
An in-depth look at Alfred’s XML format, the many parameters accepted by
and how they interact with one another.
This should also serve as a decent reference to Alfred’s XML format for folks who aren’t using Alfred-Workflow. The official Alfred 2 XML docs have recently seen a massive update, but historically haven’t been very up-to-date.
Workflows using Alfred-Workflow¶
This is a list of some of the workflows based on Alfred-Workflow.
Feedback, questions, bugs, feature requests¶
If you have feedback or a question regarding Alfred-Workflow, please post in them in the Alfred forum thread.
If you have a bug report or a feature request, please create a new issue on GitHub.
You can also email me at deanishe@deanishe.net with any questions/feedback/bug reports. However, it’s generally better to use the forum/GitHub so that other users can benefit from and contribute to the conversation.